Glasgow ACE holds its first meeting since 2020!

Our Glasgow ACE group (Advisory Committtee to ENABLE) enables service users across the organisation to have their say in how their services are run. We were, unfortunately, unable to continue with our ACE group as a result of changes precipitated by the pandemic. However we had been working with longstanding Glasgow ACE and GB Committee members, Sally Elfverson and Peter McMahon, to reformat the group and recruit new members.

We are dligheted to report that our first meeting took place on Monday 3 June 2024 at Fortune Works. There was agreat turn out for this, with people invited along to see if Glasgow ACE could be of interest to them. A good number of people said they were interested in signing up for future meetings. Watch this space for updtaes

If you have any enquiries about Glasgow ACE, please contact Jane Feeney : or phone us at Central Office on 0141 332 7420.