Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the difference between ENABLE Glasgow and ENABLE Scotland?
ENABLE Glasgow is affiliated to ENABLE Scotland but operates as an autonomous organisation in its own right. ENABLE Scotland is a Scotland-wide organisation and ENABLE Glasgow operates just within Glasgow. There are also a number of other local ENABLE branches across Scotland.
2. How can I get in touch with ENABLE Scotland?
ENABLE Scotland is based at Inspire House, 3 Renshaw Place, Eurocentral, North Lanarkshire, ML1 4UF. The website is at You can also contact ENABLE Direct by phone on 0800 0200 101
3. What is a learning disability?
A learning disability is a lifelong condition affecting people since birth or very early childhood. It affects the way people learn, communicate and relate with other people. Learning disability should not be confused with mental illness - someone may have learning disability and mental illness, but these are separate and different conditions.
4. I have a Self Directed Support Assessment soon. What should I do?
It's important that you, your carer, or your advocate play a central role in your assessment. This will help the social worker get a true picture of you needs. Your assessment will determine your budget and Support Plan. There is more information on our Useful Information page.
5. Where can I buy a blue badge?
The 'blue badge' entitles people with a disability travelling by car to park in designated accessible parking areas and other places where parking isn't usually allowed. You can get blue badges from your local social work department. For further information on how to buy a blue badge in Glasgow check out the Council's information page.
6. Where can I find out about Welfare and Financial Guardianship?
When someone does not have capacity to manage their own affairs, it is possible for someone who cares about them to apply for legal control over their welfare or financial affairs. In Scotland, the Adults with Incapacity Act provides for the appointment of Welfare and/or Financial Guardians. For more detail on this, please visit our Useful Information page.